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Australian Bluegum Plantations, community members and Green Skills working together to tackle Albany’s worst weed, Acacia longifolia

Green Skills, Australian Bluegums Plantation staff and community volunteers joined forces in November to control a large stand of invasive Sydney golden wattle on a private property in Littlegrove near Albany. Green Skills has a long-running program fighting the spread of Sydney wattle in the Littlegrove and Torndirrup areas, and in 2017 the program has benefitted from a $5000 grant from ABP aimed at on-ground control and containment of Albany’s worst environmental weed. The morning was a great opportunity to put a dent in a troublesome local wattle infestation, as well as giving ABP staff a look at some of the work undertaken by Green Skills in the local community.
This busy bee was the last one for 2017, keep an eye out for more in early 2018! Our first one will be in Littlegrove on Weds February 21st from 9am-12.30pm. Please contact Rosie Smith, Green Skills Weedy Wattle Coordinator on 9842 1334 or 0401 578002 or [email protected] to register your interest.

This program is supported by funding from Royalties for Regions