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Waste Wise Wednesdays are popping up all over WA Primary Schools. Even school canteens are getting onboard with waste free lunches!

Our schoolkids know that single use, throwaway plastic – juice boxes, cling wrap, ziplock bags, yoghurt tubs – is out!

Reusable drink bottles, reusable food containers (beeswax wraps, anyone?), and composting your food scraps is in!

To kick off the new school year, last week’s DIY Beeswax Wraps Workshop at Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre, had school kids, teachers and community members making sandwich-sized wraps.

With enough wraps to add “crunch and sip” (fruit and veg) to the mix, these guys are all set for nude food every day …

Interested in running a DIY Beeswax Wraps Workshop? For more information or to request a quote, contact the Green Skills Perth office 9360 6667 or email [email protected]