Snap-shot Bushland Survey and Eco-Assessment on Currawong farm, Monjebup
On Monday 9th Green Skills conducted its fourth ‘ Rapid Snapshot Bushland Assessment and Eco Planning’ survey on Currawong farm, near Boxwood HIll.
Done in conjunction with the Stefani family, the aim was to do a snap shot biodiversity assessment to assist with planning for bushland conservation and revegetation planning for this 990 hectare farm that is strategically located next to Bush Heritage’s North Monjebup reserve as well as the Corackerup Nature Reserve. This farm, which has about 269 ha of remnant bushland 27 %) is thus situated in the heart of the FItzgerald to Stirling section of Gondwana LInk (
The survey team comprised Melissa Howe ( Ecologist), Basil Schur ( Green Skills) , Angela Sanders ( Bush Heritage), and Jane THompson ( co owner of Yarraweyah Farm). Also in attendance was Freya Spencer ( Gillamii and North Sirling Pallingup NRM officer), Leoni McMahon ( FGB Executive Officer and Reaghan Shalders ( FGB NRM Officer)
Green Skills will collate the results of the day’s survey and prepare a draft and then final report for the landholding family. This document will prove valuable in accessing further bushland fencing and revegetation assistance for priority sites.
For further info contact Basil Schur, Green Skills Denmark office 08 98483310

Meeting with Jeremy Stefani, farmer, using aerial maps to show the history of the property.

Currawong farm remnants with the magnificent Stirling Range National Park in the backgroun

FItzgerald to Stirling Section of Gondwana LInk Strategic map

Survey team on a propose revegetaiton site with Jeremy

Angela, Jeremy and Melissa assessing a biodiverse remnant bushland area

Aerial view of Currawong farm, close to other extensive bushland areas

Red Moort – Eucalyptus nutans- endangered tree species see

Red Moort – Eucalyptus nutans- endangered tree species

Emus in the Canola on Currawong