Jade joins Green Skills Denmark office for her internship work experience
In April 2021, the Green Skills Denmark Office hosted a Sustainable Development and International Aid and Development student from Murdoch University, Jade Roycroft, for her Sustainable Development Internship Project. The unit requires 100 – 120 hours of volunteer internship work experience and creates an opportunity for eager students, such as Jade, to integrate theory with practical work experience. Jade chose to approach Green Skills to host her following a short fieldtrip experience that she had on a Murdoch University field course based in Denmark last December, under the supervision of Nicole Hodgson and the Green Skills senior project manager, Dr Louise Duxbury.
Jade was keen to do her internship work experience opportunity with Green Skills, to deepen her understanding and experience the transformative power of grass-roots community driven approaches. Jade’s hope is to bring the knowledge that she gained whilst working with Green Skills back to Perth, to empower her work there with urban communities and encourage creative responses to sustainability issues.
Jade shared her internship time between research and practical hands on work – and helped out volunteering at the Denmark Tip Shop, the Albany Container Deposit Scheme depot, at the Denmark Visitor Centre and minor maintenance works at the Denmark Sanctuary. Jade provided positive feedback after her work experience, commenting that:
“Green Skills is an inspiring organisation which is creating a more sustainable future by facilitating an extraordinary range of projects. The diversity of these projects reflects the organisation’s capacity to incorporate different methods and perspectives to achieve a holistic approach toward sustainability.
It is a nurturing organisation that considers the individual and unique needs of its volunteers. Green Skills sees the potential in people with all kinds of backgrounds, disadvantages and disabilities, and enables them to volunteer in their strengths. It also offers a diversity of areas for people to volunteer in to cater for their preferences and passions.”