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Perth Ecojobs plants record-breaking number of seedlings in Yellagonga Regional Park, 30 minutes north of the CBD.

Reserve maintenance is always busy in Winter with planting jobs. But the one at Beenyup Swamp (Yellagonga Regional Park) saw a whopping 11,000 seedlings planted!

“It’s our biggest 1-day job to date, and we were all done by 1pm!” said Ecojobs Supervisor Ben Atkinson.  

With Beenyup Swamp being the main source of nutrients entering Lake Joondalup, the newly planted sedges will strip nutrients and improve overall water quality.

This planting event is part of a 2 year DBCA (Dept of Biodiveristy Conservation and Attractions) project to rehabilitate the wetlands of Yellagonga –  Lake Joondalup, Lake Goollelal, Beenyup Swamps and Walluburnup Swamp.