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2017 Sustainable Living Fair and Expo

2017 Sustainable Living Fair and Expo

Bigger and better than ever, the 2017 Sustainable Living Fair and Expo attracted a big crowd on Saturday 25th March.

For the third year, the Expo & Fair has been held at the Albany Town Square, a fantastic location to draw passing traffic on York St.

There were a huge range of stalls, information, exhibits, entertainment, and a sustainable products
market, guest presentations, sustainable home building ideas, workshops and educational activities.

The Expo program had a full day of speakers, workshops, interactive and hands-on activities and
opportunities to book one to one time with key sustainability specialists.
This year we tried to develop an Inventors and Innovators Fair. Take up for this opportunity was
very minimal, however it has generated interest for a future event.
This year the fair hosted an ‘Upcycle Alley’, which included a creative and exciting range of
products, clothing and ornaments, tools and giftware that added a lively and creative atmosphere
to the event.

Preserving waterways for future generations

Preserving waterways for future generations

With passion and knowledge regarding local issues, Green Skills has assisted WICC to achieved measurable benefits to the biodiversity throughout the catchment area.

Their team communication skills and ability to deliver timely project management with measurable outcomes is second to none in our region. I have no doubt that WICC and Green Skills will continue their excellent working relationship into the future.

Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee

Enhancing and developing regional community living

Enhancing and developing regional community living

‘South Coast Learn For Life’ Program.

Green Skills took a lead role encouraging and facilitating opportunities for local people to share their passions, skills and knowledge and develop their own facilitating skills. It is always a pleasure to work with an organisation that has the systems and the flexibility to act quickly and respond to opportunities that understand, develop and enhance regional community living in ways that that embrace diversity, people, community and environment. We truly look forward to working creatively and collaboratively into the future.

Denmark, WA

Facilitating successful participation through expert support

Facilitating successful participation through expert support

Emerging Community Leadership Program’ for the Department of Regional Development,

Green Skills have brought significant experience in facilitating community engagement and supporting our leadership for sustainability initiatives. With their extensive network of regional contacts across southern WA, they helped us to recruit program participants, and to co-facilitate the program’s adult-learning workshops. The program received positive feedback from program participants and its success was, in no small measure, due to the expertise and support that Louise and Dawn brought to this project.

Karrak Consulting,
Denmark, WA