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‘Cloth Nappies for Newborns’ coming to Coogee

‘Cloth Nappies for Newborns’ coming to Coogee

Expecting a baby? Come see us at Coogee Community Centre for a Reusable Nappy information session, on Saturday September 15th at 1pm.

With modern cloth nappies, running out of nappies is like running out of clean clothes. Just put on the washing machine! (No last-minute trip to the shops required)

We’ll show you the convenience, the no-soak cleaning, and the maths – it really all stacks up.

More info & tix here

Presenter: Aline is an Environmental Scientist, Community Educator and Mum of 4. She is passionate about sustainable and slow living, and enjoys sharing strategies that really work.

New to DIY BEESWAX WRAPS: The Dipping Method

New to DIY BEESWAX WRAPS: The Dipping Method

After starting with the Ironing Method, we introduced the Dipping Method to our workshops.

For those participants who would like a refresher, here are the instructions.

You will need an electric fry pan, crock pot, double boiler or a plain-old-pot-on-your-stove.

And, your usual wax wrap ingredients: beeswax, powdered pine resin, and coconut oil.

1- Melt together: 50g of beeswax + 1 tablespoon coconut oil + 1 tablespoon powdered pine resin. Stir thoroughly.

2- Dip fabric into mixture until well soaked.

3- Use tongs to pick up 2 corners of the fabric, and lift up out of the pot.

4- Air dry by waving it back and forth.

Once the bottom of your fabric is no longer dripping liquid wax, pop it down onto your table to finish drying … and your wax wrap is done!

Interested in running this workshops for your organisation? For a quote or more info, contact the Green Skills Perth office – 9360 6667 or [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!


Who Knew Upcycled Jeans Could Look This Good?

Who Knew Upcycled Jeans Could Look This Good?

Green Skills tackles the waste issue of Fast Fashion with Slow Fashion Workshops

Anyone remember War on Waste’s giant mound of clothing, piled in a Sydney shopping mall? That’s 6000kg of textiles that go to landfill every 10 minutes.

Good Sammy is just not equipped to handle that!

So we are tackling Fast Fashion with our newest workshop: Sewing with Scraps. BYO old pair of jeans, either from the Op Shop or one with holes from your ‘fix-it’ pile.

Presenter Jude Ludlam (she’s been upcycling clothing for years) will help you turn those old jeans into a bag, doorstop or Christmas decoration.

She brings to this workshop: cardboard templates, instructions, ideas and examples to inspire and have fun with!

Interested? We deliver this workshop to local Councils and Environmental Centres/Organisations. For a quote or for more information, contact the Perth Office on 9360 6667 or [email protected]


What do people think of our Beeswax Wraps workshops?

What do people think of our Beeswax Wraps workshops?

It was another fun Beeswax Wraps Workshop at Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre on Saturday. Thank you to my fabulous, creative group!

We always ask for feedback, so here is some to share …

“It was fabulous. Now we can make our own!”

“Much better than reading about it!”

“Everything was well explained. Very enjoyable”

“Practical way to stop using so much single use plastic”

“Everything was supplied and great company at our table”

“Aline was lovely, approachable and knowledgeable”

“I now know how to make the wraps and can show others”

Showing others is a great idea! Here’s our recipe.

For more details or a quote for Green Skills to run this popular workshop, contact [email protected] or 9360 6667.

Cloth Nappy Q & A draws a crowd

Cloth Nappy Q & A draws a crowd

Saturday June 9th – Clarkson Library was all set up for our Cloth Nappies for Newborns workshop.

With nappy retailer Booty Crawl and Wanneroo’s Waste Education Officer, we wondered … how many people would come? Is anyone interested in cloth nappies?

With 40 young parents and parents-to-be attending – we can safely say, ABSOLUTELY!

Their questions came thick and fast.

From the basic: What types of modern cloth nappies are there? To the more researched: What do the words dry-pailing and wet-pailing mean?

Families who cloth-nappy save 2 tonnes of waste-to-landfill and $2000 per baby. This is one disposable swap-out with impact!

PS. We all know disposable nappies belong in the landfill bin, right? (that’s the green bin for 2-bin systems. And red bin for 3-bin systems)

For more information or a quote to bring this workshop to your sustainable event, contact [email protected] or call 9360 6667.